07 January 2018
WMCV and Friends of Woolley Firs cutting back blackthorn and making a dead hedge at Woolley Firs. This was to make the hedge more varied.
04 February 2018
Usually it is good to leave ivy on trees as it’s berries provide food for birds late in the year. WMCV and Friends of Woolley Firs were asked to remove ivy from trees at Woolley Firs where it could be a safety hazard..
18 February 2018
WMCV joined the Burnham Beeches Volunteers to clear holly at Burnham Beeches.
04 March 2018
Periwinkles have attractive flowers and are a good ground cover plant for gardens, but they are not native and have spread across a large area of the wood at Woolley Firs, the BBOWT Berkshire headquarters. WMCV and the Friends of Woolley Firs cleared some of the periwinkle to give wildflowers a chance to grow.
15 April 2018
When trees are first planted they are enclosed in a plastic tree guard to protect them from squirrels, deer and mowers. Once they become established the guards can be removed. WMCV and BeC spent the day removing tree guards from bushes and trees planted around the edge of Tarmans Copse in Bracknell. Nemo the dog supervised.
29 April 2018
Hitherhooks is a small copse in Binfield between Jock’s Lane and Hitherhooks Hill. We were asked to enlarge a dip in the ground and create a pond.
27 May 2018
Shepherd Meadows and Sandhurst Memorial Park are neighbouring sites in the south of Sandhurst on the River Blackwater. Shepherd Meadows consists of 40 hectares (100 acres) of wet meadows and woodlands that is important for its nature conservation.
The bank is badly eroded in several places where dogs have climbed in and out of the river after sticks and balls.
24 June 2018
WMCV and the Burnham Beeches Volunteers resurfacing Victoria Drive.
The BB Ranger collected truckloads of gravel from the quarry and dumped the gravel in heaps along the track. We raked the gravel evenly across the track.
16 September 2018
We cleared some of the excess waterlilies and reedmace form Middle Pond at Burnham Beeches.
The pond is too deep in the middle for waders so we used a boat. Launching the boat proved to be tricky this year as the water level was low after the long hot summer. The weed is loaded into the boat and then they unloaded the weed at the side of the pond to allow any beasties to return to the pond.
As the water level was low we could wade out unusually far to reach the reedmace without water going over the top of our thigh waders.
09 December 2018
Coppicing at Jock’s Copse, Binfield.
The brash from the cut hazel was made into faggots. These may be used to reinforce the banks of the Cut River where it has been eroded by dogs.